Profile PictureThe Positive Author | Journaling for joy

How To Be More Positive

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Want to feel more positive even when things feel negative?

The truth is, you can't stop negative things from happening in your life.

What you can do is change how you view those situations. And how you react to them.

Do any of these sound familiar?

  • "I'll never be able to do anything right"
  • "Bad things are my fault"
  • "The event's going to be awful, why bother going?"
  • "If I'm not perfect, then I'm a failure"
  • "I feel awful, I'm so ugly"
  • "Today has been the worst day ever"
  • "They're in a bad mood because of me"

If you think any of these thoughts often...then the thing that's causing you to feel anxious, tired and unhappy isn't the problems you face in life.

It's your thoughts.

The good news is, that means you can change your thoughts and your beliefs.

With this course, you're going to learn:

  • How to spot your negative thoughts
  • What your cognitive distortions (distorted beliefs) are
  • How to replace them with positivity
  • A roadmap to start your own positive journaling habit

Ready to become a more positive, energetic and hopeful person?

Learn how to be more positive now!

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4 video modules, 4 workbooks with journal prompts

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How To Be More Positive

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